Written by Traci
on Apr 30, 2016

Western Prince II: April 27, 2016

Western Prince II: April 27, 2016

We left the dock with a rumor of whales to the south of San Juan Island and headed that way to join other vessels for the search. We all spread out and looked, and looked. Nothing. A little while later, another boat that was headed in our direction had spotted a group of Killer whales in the opposite direction from us. We decided it was probably best to head to that location to hopefully catch up with these orcas. Turns out it was the T65As and T65Bs again! T65As spend a good amount of time in our general area. It is a mom and her 4 kids. She has been traveling with her sister for the past week or so, T65B and her son. These sisters generally don’t travel together all the time, so being able to see them come together for some family time has truly been awesome to watch. We got to the orcas after they had made a kill. The orcas were in two groups when we arrived and gulls were hovering over both groups. We aren’t sure what they killed. Maybe something big they ripped in two? Or perhaps two seals were taken? Either way it appeared both groups were munching on something. They followed a current line and then moved on staying super close to shore for a while, then pulling off and going into the channel. We then continued our search for wildlife and then back home to Friday Harbor. (Additional photos from Naturalist Alison)










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Written by Traci
on Apr 30, 2016

Western Prince II: April 27, 2016

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