Written by Alison
on Sep 03, 2023

Whale Report: August 16, 2023 PM – 75Bs

Whale Report: August 16, 2023 PM – 75Bs

August 16, 2023 PM – We headed northwest into the Canadian Gulf islands with a report of Orcas!  There were lots of reports from around the region today, Captain JB made an excellent choice and we were treated to an amazing encounter.  This family of Bigg’s (marine mammal eating) killer whales were rounding the top of Sidney Island when we found them.  They traveled towards Forrest Island where they started to hunt Harbor Seals.  They were so close to the rocks, with some draped in Bull Kelp while others made huge lunges and splashes in their attempts to snag a seal.  They moved on quickly so it seemed that they had been unsuccessful. Next they cruised along the east side of the island.  The color of the water and backlit blows made for and incredibly beautiful experience.  It appeared the groups were splitting up, but we stayed put and had a couple of beautiful spy hops by T75B, the 28 year old mother of this family.  We then noticed the others turning back and figured they had made a kill.  Captain JB put the hydrophone in the water and we watched as the gulls came in and a blood bubble surfaced all while listening to their haunting calls. The T75B’s include the 28 year old mother, her 3 offspring aged 8, 6 and 2.  There was also a very young calf that was between 2 and 3 weeks old.  The mother has not officially been determined yet.  At first it was thought to be T75B’s which would be surprising for her to have one so quickly after her 2021 calf, being as they have an 18 month gestation period and nurse their young for a year and a half. Or it could be the 8 year olds, which I believe would be the youngest known mother in a wild population of Orcas.  Another choice, although unlikely, would be T77D, a 13 year old female that has been traveling with them.  On this encounter and two more I had on 8/20 the calf was clearly traveling with the 8 year old T75B2.  It will be exciting to hear what the researchers declare!  Eventually we had to pull ourselves away from the whales and start heading for the dock.  We still managed time to check out a few Harbor Seals, Mouflon Sheep and a Bald Eagle on Spieden Island.

Photographer and Naturalist: Alison Engle – Instagram: @Alisonengleart – Website: www.alisonengle.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Alison
on Sep 03, 2023

Whale Report: August 16, 2023 PM – 75Bs

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