Written by Bethany
on Aug 22, 2023

Whale Report: August 5, 2023 – Humpbacks and Killer Whales

Whale Report: August 5, 2023 – Humpbacks and Killer Whales

August 5, 2023 AM – We had quite the trip today! We got to head west of the San Juan Islands towards Victoria with reports of multiple humpback whales and a group of Bigg’s Killer Whales. In total, we spotted four different humpback whales in two hours! The first two were traveling together and we identified them as BCY1033 “Merlin” and BCY1007 “Titan”. While spending time with those two, we spotted another only a short distance away and Naturalist Bethany was able to get an ID, when the whale fluked, as BCX1022 “Scratchy”. After some beautiful looks at “Merlin” and “Titan”, we continued on to the furthest west point that we could reach on our three-hour tour, Race Rocks! That is where we got to spend some time with a group of killer whales known as the T37Bs. This family of three consisted of mom T37B “Harald”, her 13-year-old son, and her year-old calf. Since we were so far from our dock in Friday Harbor, we had to turn away and head back but as we were cruising, we spotted a fourth humpback whale about a half mile away! Naturalist Bethany managed to get a photo of the whale’s fluke as we were cursing at 30knots and made an ID as an individual known as BCX1795 “Scuttle”. What an amazing day with four humpbacks, three killer whales and over 65 miles of water covered!


Photographer and Naturalist: Bethany Shimasaki – Instagram @Adventures.with.Bethany – Website: www.bethshim.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Bethany
on Aug 22, 2023

Whale Report: August 5, 2023 – Humpbacks and Killer Whales

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