Written by Bethany
on Jun 14, 2023

Whale Report: June 2, 2023 – T101s Through Deception Pass

Whale Report: June 2, 2023 – T101s Through Deception Pass

June 2, 2023 – What a trip! We got to watch whales go through Deception Pass! This pass is an incredibly tall and narrow space between Whidbey and Fidalgo Island that has one of the highest suspension bridges in all the West Coast! We watched as the T101s, a group of adult Bigg’s Killer Whales, fought their way against a very strong flood tide current! The current must have been moving at least 5-7 knots against them! This group of whales was mom T101 “Reef” and her two adult sons, T101A “Rush” and T101B “Lagoon”. They have been known to travel through Deception Pass before and they certainly acted like they knew what they were doing. Previous groups of whales attempting to go through the pass have often had to try more than once or waited until the tide and current calmed down but not the T101s! They powered through in one go! We also got to go through an incredibly tight and narrow part of the pass known as Canoe Pass! It was barely wide enough for the Western Explorer to fit through but wow was it a blast! Captain JB knew exactly what to do and maneuvered us through the tight pass against the rapids-like current with ease! We even spotted a harbor seal up on the rocks and the seal seemed quite taken-back to have a boat in its little pass with them! It was truly incredible to see the power these killer whales needed to push against the current and a very special trip for everyone on board!

Photographer and Naturalist: Bethany Shimasaki – Instagram @Adventures.with.Bethany – Website: www.bethshim.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Bethany
on Jun 14, 2023

Whale Report: June 2, 2023 – T101s Through Deception Pass

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