Written by Alison
on Jun 20, 2023

Whale Report: June 6, 2023 – A Three Species Day!

Whale Report: June 6, 2023 – A Three Species Day!

We headed out on another beautiful day.  Captain JB decided to go south first which put us in the right place to make this a “3 whales species” day.  We slowed briefly on the way south an observed a large flock of large white birds that turned out to be White Pelicans!  There is a flock of about 30-50 that spends time on the mainland and Whidbey Island, but this was a first for me seeing them flying over the islands!  Next it was on to check out a Bald Eagle on Lopez island and a Harbor Seal hauled out just off shore.  There was a huge 12.5 foot tidal exchange that day and we were seeing a lot of areas that are not usually exposed.  Next it was on to Whale Rocks to check out the Steller Sea Lions.  There was a few rabble rousers, but others were just warming up and taking a snooze on the rocks.  Once we headed out of Cattle Pass I spotted another Steller with a fish.  We got to see it shred it apart and swallow it down!  Next we headed a little ways off shore and spotted two Minke Whales!  One of them gave us several nice looks before moving on. Next we headed in the direction of Smith Island there we encountered “Split Fin” a well know Humpback that spends the summer months in the Salish Sea.  While we were watching Split Fin, Captain JB got a report of Orcas to the north.  Everyone was game for a long run to the north so off we went.  We encountered the Bigg’s, marine mammal eating Killer Whales, between Orcas and Matia Islands.  We knew we had Harbeson, he is an easily identifiable adult male.  Actually he is the oldest known male in this population at an estimated age of 61!  The reports of who he was with were a bit confusing, but later correctly identified as T46B1’s, a mother and her two calves including one first spotted last fall and T46C2 a 14 year old female.  They were a zigging and a zagging but Captain JB guessed the right spot for our final pass!  What a day!

Photographer and Naturalist: Alison Engle – Instagram: @Alisonengleart – Website: www.alisonengle.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Alison
on Jun 20, 2023

Whale Report: June 6, 2023 – A Three Species Day!

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