Written by Alison
on Jun 04, 2023

Whale Report: May 25, 2023 – An Afternoon with the T123s and T124As

Whale Report: May 25, 2023 – An Afternoon with the T123s and T124As

May 25, 2023 – It was one of the first really warm days this spring. We headed north through the islands checking out all of the abundant wildlife on Speiden Island. We spotted a great blue heron perched on the old boat house and a few harbor seals sunbathing on the rocks. As we cruised the shoreline we could see mouflon sheep and big horned rams grazing the grasslands. The westward facing side of Speiden has gone from lush green to a crisp brown as it soaks up more and more sun. From there, we continued north and spent time with multiple families of Bigg’s Killer Whales. We had the T123’s and T124A’s,124A4’s which is a total of ten animals traveling together!  The cute little calf is T124A7 who was first seen in December 2021.  The calf surfaced right in the slipstream of its mother, which is a prized spot for the newest kiddo of the family. It was fun to see such a small animal compared with T123A, Stanley, who is a fully grown adult male. We stayed with them and enjoyed many beautiful surfacings before cruising around and checking out some of the other wildlife the Salish Sea has to offer.

Photographer and Naturalist: Alison Engle – Instagram: @Alisonengleart – Website: www.alisonengle.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Alison
on Jun 04, 2023

Whale Report: May 25, 2023 – An Afternoon with the T123s and T124As

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