Written by Alison
on Oct 26, 2023

Whale Report: October 4, 2023 – The T60s

Whale Report: October 4, 2023 – The T60s

October 4, 2023 – We headed north to see what we could find.  We knew that we had a much better chance of finding whales in that direction as the mornings fog was determined to hang around to the south.  As we broke through the clouds to a beautiful sunny day we started checking our some of the local wildlife.  First stop was Spieden Island.  There we found a few Steller Sea Lions in the water and a Mouflon Ram that was making eyes at a particular ewe on shore.  Next it was on to the Cactus island where we found several Harbor Seals and Bald Eagles.  From there we headed up into Boundary Pass and continued scanning for Humpbacks and Orcas.  As we slowed at East Point to check out a huge Steller Sea Lion on the reef, Captain JB was keeping his eyes on the water ahead of us and low and behold he spotted Orcas!  We were all super excited and headed that direction.  As we approached I was pretty sure we had the Bigg’s killer whale family the T60’s.  But, after getting home I realized that I had miss ID’d T123A- “Stanley” as his twin T60C – Yelnats.  So we encountered the T123’s which is made up of T123 – Sidney the 38 year old mother, her son, 23 year old Stanley, and her 2 daughters Lucky and Darcy aged 11 and 5 respectively. We watched these beautiful animals as the swam along the Patos Island shoreline.  As they rounded the SE tip of the island they made a few lunges which is typical hunting behavior.  We are not sure if they got anything as it was time to head for home.  It was a truly awesome day on the water!


Photographer and Naturalist: Alison Engle – Instagram: @Alisonengleart – Website: www.alisonengle.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Alison
on Oct 26, 2023

Whale Report: October 4, 2023 – The T60s

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