Written by Alison
on Oct 24, 2023

Whale Report: September 27, 2023 – The Underbiters

Whale Report: September 27, 2023 – The Underbiters

September 27, 2023 – We had a spectacular afternoon with 2 different family groups of Bigg’s Killer Whales. We encountered the first group NE of the Patos Island Lighthouse. They ended up cruising along the edge of Boiling Reef. It was great to see T49A6 – Smoosh Face (a cute underbite), traveling in the slip stream of its mom, T49A – Nan, with 3 other siblings near by. While we were watching them, Captain JB was communicating with a large tanker that was traveling through the area. While watching the Tanker we noticed a couple dozen circling gulls. Low and behold there was another group of Orcas that had just made a kill. After the tanker passed we decided to stick with the new group the T36A’s. This family is made up of the 33 year old mother, 4 of her offspring and one grand calf. It was fun to see the younger ones playing around and we got a few spy hops too. We then headed back to see the T49A’s again. They had also made a kill. Both of the predations today appeared to be Harbor Porpoise as the Orcas are known to leave the lungs behind and we did see two sets floating on the surface! Yikes! On the way back we made a quick stop at Spieden Island and checked out the exotic game animals. Pictured is a Sika Deer Buck on the ridge and a Fallow Deer by the pile of blocks.


Photographer and Naturalist: Alison Engle – Instagram: @Alisonengleart – Website: www.alisonengle.com

Western Prince Wildlife Adventures – Instagram: @Westernprincewildlife – Facebook: Western Prince Whale Watching

Written by Alison
on Oct 24, 2023

Whale Report: September 27, 2023 – The Underbiters

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